Sunday, May 24, 2009

Baby Bump

I've been putting this off (because I'm camera shy) but this is me preggo. I'm 28 1/2 weeks, and swelling up like crazy. You can't see the swelling but it's so bad I can't feel my fingers. I've decided summer pregnancies are tough. It's amazing how different this pregnancy is from my last one. I'm a little frustrated with this one because I'm so achy, and the baby is so small that the Dr. keeps pushing back my due date and I'm afraid that I'll be pregnant forever. But we're super excited for this little addition to our family.


Klingler said...

You are beautiful Krista! Wow - and you look great, I can't even tell the swelling you claim to have. I am so happy for you guys. So where are you all living nowadays? It looks like everything is going great for you.

Rachel said...

You look beautiful as always, Krista! And you are still so skinny, no matter what you say! I swear, my belly is bigger than yours now and I'm only 20 weeks along! Sheesh! I'll probably have people asking me if I'm having twins by the end of my pregnancy! ;)

Steve and Tracie Jensen Family said...

I'm so jealous!

Summer Mortensen said... look SO adorable!! I was twice that size at 28 weeks, so not fair!! I also had a mamoth baby, but we won't get into that ;)! You look great!

Rachel said...

P.S. Krista, where do you get such cute maternity shirts? Any suggestions of places with good deals too?