Wednesday, April 28, 2010

Wisdom Teeth....Your Experience?

So I'm sure that a lot of you know that I just got my wisdom teeth out a week ago, and it really wasn't that bad when I got them out.....

-But now a week later, I'm still having a lot of trouble eating. My jaw hurts really bad, and it feels like the dentist might have put a stitch in my cheek, so I have a hard time talking still.

-I went to my little sis's track meet yesterday and there was this lady sitting next to us eating some fast food and she was like flaunting it (ok maybe not flaunting it, but to me it felt that way) I wanted to grab her food and throw it in her face, just because I wanted it soooo bad. (I would NEVER do that, just so you know).

-I can eat solids, but it literally took me 45 minutes to eat 1 pancake last night, and it drives me crazy because I like to eat fast, I don't enjoy eating for long periods of time....I guess I get bored. I've lost over 5 lbs and I'm starting to feel like I'm never going to be able to eat again.

-So what was your experience, how long was it for you before they stopped hurting and you could REALLY eat normal foods again? I just want to know. Thanks!


Rachel said...

Krista, were your teeth impacted in the jaw? Or had they come out and were visible before they were removed? If they were impacted in the jaw, it's no wonder your jaw is sore! Having had the dentist mess around in your jaw will make it feel sore and like it's bruised for a while I think. I had mine removed about 8 years ago or so and I think I remember my jaws feeling sore where the teeth used to be. Hang in there. Give it time to really heal. If it's hot outside, relish the smoothies, ice cream, and slushies!

ashley said...

when i got my first two wisdom teeth out i was in jr. high (you might remember)...and it sucked! i remember getting an infection after they were out and my face looked like a chipmunk....and then the second two i got out after HS...nothing too horrible happened that time...but it did take a good two weeks (maybe a little longer) before i felt like i could eat normally again...just keep taking the pain meds and eat a lot of ice cream and jambas (make sure there are no seeds in the jambas...the seeds get in the open wound and start to rot...yeah it happened to me)! you will feel better in no time. good luck!

markandjenny said...

Seriously I would do both shoulder surgeries again before the teeth. HATED IT. Same deal, I made my mom call the dentist to ensure they didn't sew my cheek to my gums, they didn't. But, I lost over 10 lbs,and wasn't back to normal for a month. Baby food bananas was the menu of choice. I remember gumming down some popcorn chicken cuz I wanted fast food so badly. Hang in there--know I am sympathetic to your plight!

Staci said...

You know, I had that problem and it turns out I had a raw nerve. It hurt SOOOOO bad. I had to go in and they fixed it by covering it up and I was able to eat within a day. So maybe get that checked out. :)