Friday, January 15, 2010

Thanks for the Advice!

I just want to thank everyone for their advice, it has really helped me get things off my chest. I'm glad to have such a good network of friends... Thanks again!


Summer Mortensen said...

Well, in my opinion i think that you should confront this person. If after appologizing for doing nothing and getting paid already, i think that you in no way are in the wrong to be upset. If they are as good of a friend you say they are, they should understand where you are coming from. Maybe ask them if they are not going to be able to help you out, then can you get your money back....which is only fair especially if it was a sacrifice for you. Lets face it, no one wants to be just giving away money these days, right? Give them an ultimatum.....if no help is achieved within a certain amount of time.......get your money back. Simple as that.

Kacie said...

I would simply say "Hey I really need this done by _____ this date, if you can't complete this by then I understand that you are busy and in no way am I mad I just need this done now. If you can't do that then I will need my money back and I will find someone else who can do it by then (very nicely)." Just be very civil, sometimes people need a date to finsih by-if you are too nice and just say oh its ok we are in no hurry then people believe that especially if anything comes up that they need to do which things ALWAYS come up without you knowing. If you put some pressure on them and have an end date then they will do it or they will say they won't and you can have someone else do it. Hope it helps

Will Smith said...

Although it can be hard, honest and open communication is a powerful tool. While that can be difficult in person a lot of times a heartfelt but stern email or letter can be a great way to get your thoughts out clearly and allow the other person to fully understand what you mean before reacting. Hope it helps.

grant said...

I don't understand what your talking about here, but I kind of do. See I had this blind repair man that kept taking his sweet time repairing my blinds kind of felt like he was taking my money if you know what I mean. I finally had to give him a date and put my foot down of when I needed those blinds done. I was hard on the little guy but progress can't wait! You should do the same, take no prisoners!