Saturday, December 6, 2008


On our long trip home, we stopped in Nauvoo. We were way excited because neither of us had ever been there, and everyone just raves about it. Well, aparently we got there during the off season. Everything was closed and none of the tours were going. We spent the night thinking that stuff would open the next day...nope. So Nauvoo wasn't that great for us, we'll have to try to go again, during the summer. But we did get to see the Temple and it is now one of my favorites.
Jacob and Kaylie standing in front of the Nauvoo Temple. We had to take quick pictures because it was so cold.

Kaylie, pointing to the horses with Joesph and Hyrum Smith on them. She was so excited to be out of the car after 6 hours of driving. Little did she know that we still had a long way to go.
Funny story, that car in front of the Temple was from Idaho. What are the odds?

1 comment:

Aleisha said...

wow! you sure figured out the blogging world quick! It's so cute! Kaylie's grown up alot too since we saw her last. I've been thinking forever that I figured you had a blog out there, I'm glad we finally asked! I'm so happy to be able to see your pictures! Sorry Nauvoo didn't turn out as you planned, it really is cool in the summer! Good luck getting settled in Utah, isn't moving a pain? I still feel like we're tying up loose ends. Anywho this is a LONG comment but I haven't talked to you for a long time! So hope all is well! Keep posting!